Season 1, Episode 02: Why I’m Doing This Podcast [Podcast]

December 24, 2014


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On this edition of the IFlipuFlip Podcast I’ll be going over:

  • Why I’ve decided to start doing IFlipuFlip
  • How podcasts have become a huge part of my life
  • The different types of podcasts I enjoy
  • Why my favorite podcasts DON’T involve real estate
  • What my shows offer that many real estate podcasts don’t
  • How you can effectively benefit from these podcasts (Get ready to take notes!)
  • Our “easy to find” podcast organization
  • The IFlipuFlip approach to interviews
  • Getting REAL answers to REAL questions

Again I cannot stress enough how excited I am for our January 2015 launch and for the opportunity to share helpful information that can benefit all of my listeners and viewers. I hope you enjoy the show!



Read the Transcript

Click here to download the entire podcast in writing!


Binge on All of the Current Episodes!

If you want to listen to more episodes, you will find all of the currently released episodes of Season 1 Here. I release both audio and video episodes weekly.


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