Fear Not Part One
December 16, 2014

“To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom”
– Bertrand Russell
As mentioned at the end of my last article, I believe “fear” to be the most pervasive and powerful deterrent to success! There have been times throughout recent history in which horrible epidemics have destroyed the lives of countless people. However, all of these combined have not victimized as many people as “fear.”
Many historians have opined about the dangerous effects of success on a person. Success and power have brought many to their knees. At least when the house of the rich and powerful has burned to the ground, the fire actually had something physical to consume.
Fear however, prevents the “House of Opportunity” from even laying it’s most basic foundation! The cemeteries of this world are filled with countless people who never even took the first step towards their potential. One thing stood in their way, fear. They were wrapped in fear of failure, fear of risk, fear of ridicule, fear of financial loss and yes, fear of success!
How many cures for disease never came to fruition because fear kept their mind from chasing the dream? Imagine how many answers to some of life’s thorniest issues died and were laid to rest in the graveyard of fear? Imagine if Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison or Alexander Graham Bell hesitated and withdrew their brilliant ideas?
What’s going to happen to the bold and risky idea that’s been incubating in your mind? Will you balk because of fear and abort the fetus idea? Or will you bravely birth it, nurture it, and nurse it to adulthood?
Stay tuned. The next time around, I will address several “truths” that I believe you must know. That you must also understand in order to avoid fear ruining your path to success.