Introducing the iFlipuFlip Podcast!
January 14, 2015

Coming soon, the Andrew Cordle real estate investing iFlipuFlip Podcast! This year, we are pleased to announce our newest educational project, a weekly podcast available free to real estate investors of every experience level. That’s right, a FREE podcast for flippers and investors!
A wise man once told me, “There is no such thing as too much education”! That holds true for real estate investors. Further, we’re not asking investors to pay for it. We’re “paying it forward” and helping investors take their knowledge and business to the next level and beyond! It’s paramount that investors continue their education as the market is constantly evolving and one needs to stay up with the latest market trends.
Your podcast host is master investor Andrew Cordle.
Andrew has been successful in real estate for more than a decade. He made his first million by the age of 25 and lost it all in the crash of 2008. Taking with him all of the lessons learned during the downturn, Andrew has developed a recession-proof method of real estate investing. He also celebrated an alliance with Home Depot in 2013. Andrew’s passion is helping people find their purpose! Using his relationships and marketing knowledge, Andrew continues to flip successfully all over the southern portion of the United States. Those markets include Atlanta, Chicago, and throughout Texas. Now, he will be sharing his real estate investing knowledge with you!
The idea behind the iFlipuFlip Podcast is to be another tool in your educational arsenal. Our educational speakers will share their vast wealth of knowledge with you every week, for free! Can you find 20 minutes in your week to increase your investing knowledge?
What will you take-away from the iFlipuFlip Podcast?
- Designing a flip
- Marketing real estate blogs
- How to flip a house
- Real estate systems
- Finding funding
- Rental properties
- Social media marketing
- Out of state rentals
- Investing for beginners
Plus much, much more!
So, are you ready to take your investing and your profits to the next level? Then download the weekly iFlipuFlip podcast today!
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