

In April of 2015, Andrew Cordle had the distinct privilege of being interviewed by Fox News in Las Vegas for a special segment on Fox5 called, “How to Get Started in Real Estate Investing”. Fox correspondent, John Dabkovich interviewed Andrew regarding the steps needed to know before investing money in flips. Andrew was able to not only give general advice, such as the importance of knowing your market and knowing your buyers, but was also able to speak to specific topics applicable to the Las Vegas market.

Andrew hails from Atlanta, Georgia and has spent the last ten years buying and selling real estate. In addition to being a real estate buyer and investor, he’s an experienced educator. His seminars are held nationwide and attract both rookie and veteran real estate investors.


In Spring of 2014, we had the pleasure of hosting and sponsoring NASCAR Team #93 along with SupportMilitary.org and The Home Depot at the Cahaba Grand in Birmingham, Alabama. Many in attendance witnessed their first real NASCAR in-person and some of our employees were lucky enough to ride in the actual race car! So often, we forget that those who were willing to give their lives for our country are the reason we have the freedom that we enjoy every day! Where would this great nation be without the sacrifice of our military veterans? We were proud when NASCAR, SupportMilitary.org and The Home Depot joined us live in Birmingham where we presented a free vehicle from Cars4Heroes to a needy veteran.


Andrew J. Waite

Publisher of Personal Real Estate Investor Magazine

Andrew J. Waite is a publisher. He knows the real estate investing industry inside and out. He has been a sponsor and attendee at several Andrew Cordle events, including Ignite Expos. Always a strong supporter of Andrew Cordle and his proven investment strategies, Mr. Waite has consistently given praise and endorsement to Andrew and his events. Personal Real Estate Investor Magazine has featured Andrew Cordle in their monthly investing publication several times and recently featured Andrew on the front cover of PREI magazine calling him “The Master Investor.” Andrew Waite was so supportive of Andrew Cordle that he was quoted on the back cover of Cordle’s successful book, “The Boom After the Bubble.” In the book, Mr. Waite said the following, “There is one word that describes Andrew Cordle’s journey as a real estate investor, and that is the word, ‘authentic’.”