New Ignite Expos Website!
December 16, 2014

When was the last time you were researching a company or a product and were frustrated with their bland website? A company website tells you a lot about a specific business and about it’s owner. It reflects how much a company cares about it’s “brand” and how much it cares about it’s products and services. Unfortunately, far too many companies do not put much time or thought into their website. Therefore, do not get the full benefit of it.
It seems like their focus is merely sales rather than design, wow-factors, or other important essentials. These businesses are missing out on so much! I can’t tell you how many times that a website’s design and ease of use has made me a loyal returning customer. I made a decision a long time ago that I will always stand-above my competitors and will never settle for “average” or less when it comes to our company and it’s services.
As with everything in my company, I want our products and services to shine. I believe that a company’s website is one of the most important items in business in the modern electronic market. You may have heard that “the first impression is always the most important impression.” Well, I believe this to be the case! We want to stand out from our competitors and therefore have taken a lot of time and capital improving our website and ensuring that we stand-out compared to our competition…and I believe that once again, we have succeeded!
Andrew Cordle and his Team are thrilled to announce the launch of our newly designed website: Our team has spent countless hours ensuring that our students, vendors, investors, lenders, and even our competitors are impressed with our company’s updated, premium website. It’s sleek and provides visitors with ease of use when accessed. Take a moment and visit our site. You’ll see what I mean!
Visit our website often to obtain updates on Ignite Expo and when we’ll be in your area. If you’re in the Birmingham, AL area, please take a moment to register for our next event being held on March 15 & 16, 2014, at the Cahaba Grand Conference Center. Just visit and click on the registration link. If you can’t make it to the Birmingham event, check our site for future events. We’ll be in San Antonio, TX May 31-June 1, 2014.
After you register for our next event, please feel free to check out our new and improved website design. It might give you some ideas on how to improve your current site and make it more advantageous to your company’s future and bottom line! It worked for us and it can work for you too!
See you on the web!