Property Investments

Real Estate Articles Property Investments

Property Investments

Property investments are part of most millionaires portfolio. As I’ve mentioned previously, I made my first million by the age of 25 by investing in real estate and flipping properties.


There are many advantages of property investments. They can provide investors with an opportunity to rent, income and cash flow, and can provide potential tax benefits in the right situation. If you currently own investment property, you can also use that equity as a useful resource for buying additional properties. But remember, when using your home/property as equity for another purchased property, that home becomes the security for the new loan.


Whenever you’re investing in properties, how much you repay is determined by the loan interest, points, origination charge, and the term of the loan. Your reasons for buying property investments are varied but, ultimately, the goal is to make lots of money, right?! To increase the chances for a successful start, you should gain control of your finances, know your buying power, have an overall investment strategy, and have knowledge of the area where the property is located.


When you’re planning for property investments, one must always remember these three recommendations:


  1. 1. Create a solid financial plan by understanding your credit needs and your borrowing ability
  2. Estimate how much you can spend by calculating your down payment, your monthly payment, your closing costs, and your pre-paid expenses
  3. Set a timeframe – Take into consideration your credit, cash flow, and savings and determine when you can buy your home

If I can be successful in property investments, then so can you. It just takes hard work, dedication, and maybe a little dose of luck from time to time. You can make money flipping houses by learning from one of the best in the business. I have countless strategies, tips, and techniques that helped me reach my goals. Many of those proven strategies, tips, and techniques are available for free on my website, On my website, one can learn to make money investing in real estate properties. My team and I have spent countless hours putting together one of the most comprehensive educational libraries available on the internet. And our extensive educational library is available to you right now, for free!


For more free information to help you develop your property investments plan, visit