Thanksgiving Reflections
December 16, 2014

I believe that it is important to be thankful all throughout the year. However, I think that the thanksgiving season allows us some extra time to really sit back and reflect on different people, places and circumstances that have helped us this particular year in our lives.
As I look back on 2013, and think of the wonderful year it has been for me personally, as well as for my company. I’d like to take a brief moment and share some of those thankful thoughts with you.
The most exciting thing that has happened to me this year is that Rebecca and I have gotten engaged, and are getting married on December 31, 2013, in Seattle, Washington. I know that there is no way I would be where I’m at right now without her. Many times along the way in building an education empire, I wanted to stop and just do real estate investing. That’s where my first love has always been. Whenever I wanted to stop building in education and just build houses, her persistence and encouragement would keep me on track; bringing me to today, where we have just finished hosting our first Ignite Expo in Atlanta, Georgia, with over 500 real estate professionals in attendance.
Next, I am thankful for my team that works with me. There is no way that one man, or one woman, could build what we’ve built here at Financial Momentum. At least not without a small army of people working together toward a common goal. My dedicated, loyal, hard-working team members are the second reason we are seeing success at this level. I look back, even after the expo last week. Many, many people came to me and said, “However you put your team together is absolutely amazing!”. There was just a constant flow of people coming and talking to me about my team members. They talked about what they saw, what they did, their attitude, their helpfulness and their willingness to jump in and do whatever was needed. Even things outside their role or job description.
None of them talk back or fight against their tasks. They put down their pride and egos, put the company first and focus on the bigger picture. Many work long hours, sometimes even “all-nighters” to make sure the show goes on. For an entrepreneur to be successful, he has to wear many hats. For an entrepreneur to grow into a full business, his team members have to be willing to wear many hats at different times. And that is why, in my opinion, Financial Momentum has enjoyed such success this year.
Lastly, I would like to thank the other business professionals in the real estate community. This has been a year where we have been tested and pushed. We’ve been in the limelight. Those other business professionals have partnered with us and shown their loyalty. They’ve joined forces with us to help build this industry; to help change this industry. Financial Momentum could not be where it is without those other business-minded people. Those people who have caught on to the dream and vision of Ignite Expo and where we’d like to take this industry.
In closing, I’d like to ask my fellow real estate professionals and business owners to take some time. Take some time this Thanksgiving to reflect, remember and be thankful to the individuals and the companies that helped you get where you are today. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We look forward to working with you in 2014.