Who Are You Trying to Fool Part One
December 16, 2014

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one”.
― Brad Paisley
I can recall when my wife and I first moved into our dream home. It was a modest house with a lot of potential and sat on a large one-acre wooded lot. It had plenty of personality and charm; so much so that our neighbors often referred to it as “The 3-Bears Cottage!”
We eventually decided on an inexpensive remodel in the main bathroom…..”inexpensive” being the key word! We figured a new coat of paint, some “border,” and a new faucet-set would suffice. At this point, our story picks up a familiar theme.
Work commenced as I peeled off the old wallpaper which in-turn, exposed rotten sheetrock. I dismantled the old fixtures and found corroded piping. I was immediately flustered once I realized that this “new” appearance/design would contrast with the old linoleum flooring, outdated shower tiles, and the well-worn toilet and cabinetry. Reality hit as I suddenly realized that my “cheap fix” was by all accounts turning into a significant (and expensive) remodel!
My wife and I sat down and discussed the pros and cons: Sure, we could wait….but this was OUR home and we wanted to enjoy OUR bathroom without having to endure it’s obvious needs. Of course, we could just “bandaid” the problem by doing a cosmetic/superficial fix; the whole time knowing what lie underneath and that eventually we would have to deal with the problems we already knew existed. We could fool the guests who used it, but were we trying to fool ourselves?
That last question answered all of the others. At that exact moment, we decided that any future remodels or repairs to our home would be done the right way. We would take the temporary hit to our pocketbook and to our schedules to ensure that the job was completed properly. We could then fully enjoy it and take comfort in knowing that we did not “fool ourselves!”
As your reading this blog posting in anticipation for the New Year, may I suggest that you not consider those well-worn cliches and slogans of “New Years Resolutions?” For once, don’t just half-heartedly consider “dropping a few pounds,” begin a new exercise routine, or invest in something new in preparation for your retirement? After all, who are you trying to fool? Don’t just throw a coat of paint on the walls when there is rotten sheetrock underneath it all! Dig your heels in and deal with the real issues! Take a moment to have an honest discussion with yourself, your partner, your children, or your trusted friend/confidant. Get together with those closest to you and ask them to help you do a personal inventory and analysis of your life. Offer to do the same for them!
If that doesn’t sound like something you feel comfortable doing or if you feel like you won’t receive honest feedback, be sure to tune-in for tomorrow’s special New Years blog posting! I will list five ways to help propel you into 2014!
Happy New Year. Make it the best one ever! Cheers!