Flipping Houses: Strategy vs Tactic Part 2
December 16, 2014

One of the fastest ways to build a fortune in real estate is by flipping houses and once you start, the sky’s the limit! So what are you waiting for? Start flipping houses today!
Now that you know your strategy, the next step is to decide your tactic. Let’s go back to our trip to the Grand Canyon. Once we decide where we are and where we want to go (strategy), we have to figure out how we are going to get there. Are we going to drive a car? Take a train? Go on foot? My tactic is my vehicle.
Decide which vehicle you want to use to reach your destination: stocks? Small business? Business franchise? Real estate? If you’re like me, you pressed the real estate button. Now within real estate, you need to choose. Will your vehicle be multi-family? Lease option? Short sale? Buy, fix, and sell? That list goes on and on. Pick just one of those and say, “This is the tactic inside of real estate that I will use to get from point A to point B.” Don’t run around from tactic to tactic, trying every new shiny object you see. That’s what will set you apart from those people we talked about at the beginning who don’t know where they’re going or how they’re going to get there.
You have to know – financially, this is where I’m at in life; over there – wherever that is for you – that’s where I want to end up. I’m going to use this tactic within real estate as my vehicle to get me where I want to go. Real estate will not be my life. Real estate will not be who, in my case, Andrew Cordle is. Andrew Cordle is not real estate and real estate is not Andrew Cordle. But Andrew Cordle used real estate as a vehicle to take him from – if you’ve heard my story – living in his parents’ basement to being a successful investor, financially free. I used real estate as my vehicle.
Know your strategy first. Then stick with your tactic.