SouthEastern Local REIA Information
June 24, 2015

REIA stands for Real Estate Investor Association. REIAs can be found in every state and in almost every major city. The National REIA is made up of many of these smaller associations throughout the country. Roughly 40,000 members are represented by this national organization. In this article we will be taking an in depth look at the National REIA. We’ll be covering topics such as the benefits of joining, the concept and the purpose of the organization.
What is the purpose of the National REIA?
As with any REIA, the National REIA provides organization and stability to members. The National REIA’s main purpose is to “To advance and protect the industry of real estate investing while helping real estate investors prosper and add value to their lives and their communities.” While most local REIAs provide a level of protection through education, the National REIA takes protecting their members to the next step by protecting the integrity of the real estate investment business as a whole.
The National REIA is also able to advance and influence the real estate investment industry because of its size and reach. It is the only real estate investor organization that spans from coast to coast. This makes it one of the greatest go-to places to keep up with legal policy and practices.
What are the benefits of the National REIA?
If you are familiar with Real Estate Investor Associations then you know there are countless benefits to being a member. REIAs pride themselves on their abilities to educate, support and promote. How can these help you? Joining a National REIA will get you access to priceless education from people who are extremely successful in the real estate industry. While you can learn a lot from reading and studying books.
National REIA meetings feature top industry professionals who have already sorted through the proven methods to being successful and the “tire kicker” methods. While coursework is great, your best resources for education in the National REIA are your peers and speakers.
The support you receive from the National REIA is amazing. To have a nationwide network of resources at your disposal is something that you don’t find very often. The National REIA is a big promoter of sharing knowledge and resources to help advance the industry as well as keep a higher standard of business among their members. With real estate investors from coast to coast helping one another, it’s no wonder why the industry’s best and brightest are National REIA members.
Where should you start?
Joining a local REIA should be the first order of business. Make sure that they are a part of the National REIA. Attend your local meetings and seminars and start using some of the tools available to you. The National REIA promotes regional events in every part of the country. The next step is to attend one of those. Make sure to take plenty of business cards, because you’ll be networking a lot. This is a great place to meet vendors and other real estate investors working in different markets. Events like National REIA sponsored regional events are perfect for grasping what it would take to expand your business.
Next is the big step. Try to attend the National REIA mid-year conference. Some of the biggest nationally recognized names in the real estate industry will be in attendance. This is a great way to take your business and your networking to the next level. Again, stock up on the business cards and get ready to talk. If you have aspirations of nationally growing your business or becoming one of the best real estate investors in the country, it starts with the education and networking you do at the National REIA mid-year conference.
Things to consider.
Even if you already have your team in place and a successful real estate investor business, you should consider joining a local REIA in association with the National REIA. There are opportunities there to increase your knowledge of the real estate market as a whole, as well as locally. Big or small, your business can always benefit from education, whether it is how to do something, or how not to do something.
As a real estate investor, you can never do enough networking. The more people that know you and know what you do, the better chance you have of building an economy proof business. Your local and National REIA can help you achieve that. Remember, it’s never a bad thing to have a support system. Through networking with local and National REIAs you’ll find yourself with the resources and the support from other like-minded individuals to get any job done.
If you want to find an REIA that is close to you click here to head over to my resources page. I have REIAs from across the nation links so that you can find the one that best suits your needs.