Happy Independence Day – May God Bless and Restore Our Republic!
December 16, 2014

“On Independence Day, we should remember the spirit of rebellion against tyranny that inspired our Founding Fathers to set out our experiment in liberty. We should ourselves celebrate and continue that struggle if we are to keep our republic.” – Ron Paul
Friendship and gratitude:
Today, I envision three distinct peaks in our nation’s 238-years of existence. The first peak I envision is one of “friendship and gratitude.” Without the assistance of France, it is highly doubtful that we would have won our independence from England. France was at war with England at the time and claimed victory against it’s imperialist nemesis to the North, England.
France did not aid us because of some altruistic virtue or deep affection for a new nation. No, they helped us out of self-interest. However, history reflects that as a nation. America still benefited immensely from France’s self-interest. Take a moment and ask yourself how many times have you been helped or assisted others only because of self interest? Yet, help is help, regardless of the motive! This July 4th, I am thankful for the friends of our country, both foreign and domestic. Regardless of their self-interests in demonstrating that help!
Perspective and patience:
The second peak that I envision is one of “perspective and patience”. Britain demanded our subjugation as a colony and scoffed against our desire to be an independent nation. Yet today, some would consider Britain to be one of our strongest allies. Our relationship has evolved not unlike that of an independently-minded teenager who rebels against his parents. Maturing as a nation, we grew out of our insolence. In due course, acknowledged our mother-country (England) as both a peer and a friend. The “parent” has ceased scolding and has come to acknowledge and respect her “child’s” maturation and independence.
This lesson is simple, though not easily learned. Patience and perspective can bring both reconciliation and mutual respect. Time, endurance, wisdom, and opportunity should be allowed to ply their strengths. Our founding fathers would most certainly be surprised at how well we get along with “their” enemy.
Progression versus digression:
The last peak that I envision is what I call “progression versus digression”. Although not all that is termed “progression” is such! The “progression” of draconian gun control laws that lie in contradiction to our beloved Second Amendment. The “progression” of technology’s invasion of our personal lives akin to Orwell’s 1984. In which the “progression” from a humble, constitutional foreign policy to one of aggression. One that costs us blood and treasure by overthrowing governments by lethal force, installing puppet regimes and occupying territories. Which in-turn, creates enemies that wouldn’t exist otherwise!
These examples do not represent “progress,” but rather illustrate a “digression” from the values and principles that make our great nation unique. Consequently, we are in more bondage to the federal government, are more coerced to pay unfair taxes, are more banal in our appreciation for the sacred, and are in jeopardy of having our personal, inalienable rights subjugated to the expanding powers of the globalist elites who “serve” us in Washington, D.C!
While I do lay much of the blame at the feet of our congress, I reflect on what role that I have played personally in allowing our freedoms to regress. We are Americans and must demonstrate our own personal resolves not to acquiesce to the downward pull of anti-liberty! Our celebration of independence should never fail to moisten our eyes and revive the resolve to be vigilant with respect to our sacred freedoms.
May God truly bless America by restoring our Republic!