Memphis Invest, Home Depot, and Andrew Cordle at Graceland
December 16, 2014

“Relationships are all built on different foundations, but the ones that last are built on trust and open, honest conversations.” – Nishan Panwar
I wish that I received a dollar for every time that someone has told me about the importance of building and nurturing professional relationships. By now, I’d have a pocket full of cash! However, so often in the real estate industry we hear about those that can’t help but sermonize about the importance relationships. Unfortunately, a large number of those people only “talk” about it but don’t seem to actually practice what they preach.
Through the years, I have learned that building and nurturing relationships is paramount to success and longevity for my business. For example, my relationship with The Home Depot and Memphis Invest has grown leaps and bounds over the last 12 months. Consequently, our relationships are both profound and rooted in sincerity. I have found out recently how important it is to not only maintain important professional relationships, but to nurture and grow them. In the long run, both parties find that the relationships that are deep and sincere tend to work in the favor of all involved.
It’s rewarding to have great conversation and brain-storming over coffee or a good meal. But what about a trip with industry leaders to the home of Elvis? Have you ever visited Graceland, the home of the “King,” Elvis Presley? Recently, my wife and I were blessed to spend a day at Graceland with executives from The Home Depot and Memphis Invest. We had a wonderful time that was full of laughs and lengthy conversations. All about the present and future of the real estate industry.
Frankly, it was confirmation that our companies are all on the same-page and share the same values and goals for the very near future. We discussed many different topics but most importantly, we were all in agreement as to the desired future of our companies and their place in the industry. We will be working together to increase profits, build our businesses, nurture our professional relationships, and advance the progressive evolution of real estate investing.
It is hard to overlook the importance of relationships in all of our professional endeavors. Having solid relationships creates less stress. It also promotes increased productivity, improves efficiency and benefits our labors in virtually every measurable way. Like anything of great value, solid professional relationships don’t just evolve on their own. In order to create and build lasting, meaningful relationships, one must do their part. They must take responsibility for their actions and do the things that will result in mutual benefits for all parties involved. While there are many things one can do to nurture relationships, there are several things that you can do – right now. And, when done consistently and with sincerity, each will help you nurture and grow the professional relationships we all yearn for:
1. Make it a priority – We’re all busy but to grow relationships. One must prioritize and do the things that promote growth.
2. Care – People don’t care about how much you know until they know how much you care.
3. Connect – Networking is the life-blood of business.
4. Trust – Will you be disappointed sometimes when others let you down? Yes, but show your trust knowing that people tend to live up to the trust placed in them.
5. Expect success – People can sense it when you believe in them and have confidence that they will succeed.
6. Listen – When you are listened to, it strengthens the relationship with that person. Good leaders are also good listeners!
7. Lead – Relationships grow when someone takes action. Make the first move. Offer the olive branch. Make the apology. Ask the first question. Take the lead.
One of the most important skills you can develop in your professional life is to be successful in nurturing and growing relationships. Spending time on this activity creates lasting benefits for everyone. Exceptional leaders understand that the quality of their relationships directly impacts their leadership success. So, start building those relationships today!
In closing, a special thanks to Home Depot and Memphis Invest executives for a remarkable day at Graceland! Not only are we colleagues, but I am proud to consider you all personal friends.
Here’s to our future relationships and the success that is sure to follow!