8 Steps to Sure Success: Step Seven – Calling, Electing, Training & Empowerment
December 16, 2014

“I don’t know what my calling is, but I want to be here for a bigger reason. I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived.” – Will Smith
There are (4) ingredients to Step #7. The first ingredient is “calling,” which refers to the invitation you should be broadcasting for others to join you. I love to use social media outlets and my website to “call” others to join us! But this “calling” is not limited to people seeking employment with your company. It’s also providing an opportunity for others to learn from you. A good leader is always looking for potential team members and pupils. You should always be prepared to share, explain, and encourage others to join you in your journey to success. Let them help you and be an inspiration to reach for greater heights!
The second ingredient to Step #7 is “electing.” This refers to your choosing of certain individuals from your base of followers and pupils. Success typically invites and attracts attention. More specifically, it attracts the attentive minds of those who also desire to succeed. Take full advantage of this attraction! Your “group” of followers/pupils may be small, perhaps consisting only of your employees or even your family. The power of investing in others cannot be overlooked by those seeking gnosis and therefore, success. This happens all across the world everyday. Improvement occurs when pupils stand on the shoulders of their mentors. Imagine how much more successful this country would be if those who succeeded would invest their time and energy into those who have the potential!
The third ingredient to Step #7 is “training.” In my opinion, “training” is self-explanatory. Understand though, that training is not merely teaching. To teach is to explain, review, and test. When training, one begins with teaching but moves onto doing/taking action. Those who are doing the work are those who are also learning. My father taught me daily but he always had me by his side working with him….that’s training!
The final ingredient of Step #7 is “empowerment.” This is the confidence that you bestow on your pupils by the responsibilities and knowledge that you entrust to them. When one of your followers experiences your trust, it increases his confidence and encourages him to reach greater heights than he previously thought possible for him to reach. It’s rare that someone has their own confidence equal to their potential. They need to have a successful mentor or leader that believes in them. That’s empowering!
There’s only one more Step to Sure Success! So join us next week when we discuss Step #8 – Sacrifice.