8 Steps to Sure Success: Step Two – Virtue
December 16, 2014

“Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder.” – George Washington
The first step in our journey to success is “vision;” the second step is “virtue.” The word “virtue” is derived from the Latin word “virtus,” which carries connotations of “valor, excellence, courage and worth” and are perceived as strengths. It can be defined in two different ways:
conforming to a standard of moral excellence
having the moral power to accomplish a given effect
Both of those definitions deserve an introductory look for our pursuit of success. Everyone wants to succeed. We have seen our objective and we know the destination, but now we must make some very important decisions. You must first decide that whatever it takes for you to achieve success, you’re willing to do it the right way and give 100%…do not cut corners or make wrong/immoral decisions just to achieve your goal of success.
When you reach your goal of success and are standing in the “winners circle,” you want to know in your heart that you earned it; that you deserve it and did not cheat yourself or anyone else in order to get there. Personally, I’d rather earn it and deserve it rather than achieve success without earning it. Far too many people, in life and in business, accept that moral comprimises are part of the system. Let me say this bluntly – At the end of the road of life, when your journey is completed, “who you are inside your heart” is more important than what you have gained or lost! Never sell your morals for success…it is wrong to do so. Success is attracted more to the person of integrity than the person of fraud.
Every day, I turn on the news and see examples of people who are obsessed with success and sold their moral integrity in order to achieve it. I’m not talking about honest mistakes or even a moral stumble. Im talking about those people who make a decision from the get-go to lie, cheat, deceive, or take the immoral short-cuts to achieve success, regardless of who it affects. This wounds our spirit and injures our code of excellence. I say this to you: Show your moral courage from the beginning and maintain it until the journey is complete. Everyone must have a moral compass that points true North. If you don’t have one, you better work for someone who does!
You must also have the moral power to accomplish your goals. Positive success is dictated by moral strength, moral justice, and moral force. Many men and women cannot be honest on their own – they deceive themselves. Many others cannot be honest in front of crowds or peers. Then their are those who can only be trusted when they are under the watchful eye of their leaders. How does your moral force impact those around you? How far does your moral energy flow into the future and what does it leave in its wake?
The rules of life and success are important and those who succeed must win by playing by the rules and within the boundaries of right and wrong. Success will be all the sweeter for you if it is honest gain and results in honest reward.
Be sure to check in soon when we discuss step three: “The Know How”.