8 Steps to Sure Success: Our Journey
December 16, 2014

“Success is not to be measured by the position someone has reached in life, but the obstacles he has overcome while trying to succeed.” – Booker T. Washington
This article represents the tenth and final blog posting for our series “8 Steps to Sure Success.” I hope you’ve enjoyed it and learned from it as much as I have. But I wanted to use this final article as a reminder to all of my readers that this journey never ends. Once you reach your milestone, you will hopefully challenge yourself to reach for greater heights! Let’s do a quick re-cap of the “8 Steps to Sure Success.”
First Step: Vision – Conceive it, believe it, and achieve it.
Second Step: Virtue – Conforming to a standard of moral excellence and/or having the moral power to accomplish a given effect.
Third Step: Know-how – Knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.
Fourth Step: Focused Attention – When you remain able and willing to say “no” to any and every distractions and keep your attention focused, you will be successful.
Fifth Step: Stay Under the Pressure – Pressure is the price of winning and you need it to prove your worthiness. Accept it, embrace it, learn from it, but stay under it!
Sixth Step: Earn It – You’re not renting success like you rent a car. You are buying it with your blood, sweat and tears.
Seventh Step: Calling, Electing, Training, and Empowerment – “Calling” refers to the invitation you should be broadcasting for others to join you. “Electing” refers to your choosing of certain individuals from your base of followers and pupils. “Training” refers to knowing the difference between training and teaching. My father taught me daily but he always had me by his side working with him, that’s training! “Empowerment” is the confidence that you bestow on your pupils by the responsibilities and knowledge that you entrust to them.
Eighth Step: Sacrifice – If you’re not willing to put your dreams “on-hold” in order to help someone reach theirs, you have not earned the success that you desire.
There’s going to be times, however, when you feel like there’s no hope. Maybe your dreams were crushed by a personal tragedy or a heart wrenching break-up. Maybe even a negative work situation or some other type of stumbling block. Remember, these are the times when you must push harder! You’re going to hit all kinds of obstacles along the way. The most efficient, effective way to get through those tough times is by charging straight ahead.
I know from experience! If you’ve had a chance to read my book, “The Boom After the Bubble,” you’ll remember. After making my first million prior to the crash in 2008, my then-wife had left me and took with her every penny I had. I ended up unemployed and living in my parents basement. Still, I persevered and forged ahead through those barriers which ended up making me a better man in business and in life. You can do it too!
We’ve learned that life’s road to success is filled with potholes and speeding tickets. But it’s the long journey that makes us who we are. As long as the motors still running and your eyes are still focused on the horizon, remaining steadfast will eventually lead to your success. Don’t give up!