Who Are You Trying To Fool Part Two
December 16, 2014

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘don’t quit, suffer now and live the rest of your life a champion’!”
– Muhammad Ali
Here are five suggestions for you to consider. You may not be able to “remodel” all five at once, but at least begin to work on one until completion and then move forward with the next:
Choose the “financial vehicle” that will drive you to your financial goals and fiscal dreams! Stop wasting your time and energy “reading” about exotic destinations. Stop “looking” at those elaborate houses that are out of reach and stop complaining about and coveting things that you don’t have. We all have goals and dreams….the question is, “how am I going to get there?” Make a list of your options, choose one and then run with it!
Make an inventory of your relationships and focus especially on those relationships that really matter: family, marriage, and friendships. If you’re religious or spiritual, inventory your relationship with God and with your core beliefs. Stop making excuses. Quit hiding behind the busy minutia of life by avoiding honest discussion about your time-management or lack thereof. Your life will eventually begin to fade into the sunset and you’ll realize all that remains is the love that you shared with those closest to you. Do not shortchange yourself in the long road of life!
Do you need to make adjustments to your schedule that enable you to spend precious time with those closest to you? Maybe schedule a few minutes a week to make phone calls to your loved ones? You’d be amazed at how good you’ll feel when you write a hand-written letter! It feels almost as good as receiving one! Should you clear your Sunday or Sabbath to make room for God? Do you need to start “dating” your spouse again and rekindle those nearly-extinguished flames of passion? Maybe you need to forgo this weeks golf outing with your buddies so that you can attend your daughters recital or your sons football game?
Will this be the year to finally pull yourself out of the debt-pit? Are you just going to “talk the talk” and kick the can down the alley like the sluggish US Government and it’s spineless politicians? Or will you “walk the walk” by seeking help from from brilliant financial teachers like John Cummuta or Dave Ramsey.
I have spent countless hours with many successful people. One of the most common disappointments they’ve relayed to me were statements like, “I really wish I had more education”. Completing a bachelors or masters degree isn’t as easy as it was before you had a spouse, children, a mortgage or a car payment. But you can still take advantage of online universities or even weekend educational seminars that fit around your busy schedule. As a wise man once told me, “there is no such thing as too much education”!
We all want to validate our existence. If you want to grow your life, you must first grow yourself. One of the the best ways to grow yourself is by investing your time with those who are less fortunate. Can you volunteer some of your time at a homeless shelter? How about visiting a nursing home? Or the local VA Hospital to brighten the day of someone who lives in sadness and loneliness? Could you volunteer at a children’s hospital or make care packages for the parents of those sick young ones? Give back to those less fortunate and you’ll be amazed at the gratification you’ll receive! Its worth more than gold!
Lets put an end to the annual “resolution” cycle that accompanies too many New Years and typically ends as soon as it begins! Let’s “walk the walk” by making lifestyle changes that will bring us closer to the person we know that we are capable of being. Let’s make a difference!
Have a strong 2014!